July 2011 Volume 8

George Thompson Scholarship Fund Increases Number Of Awards For 2011-2012 Academic Year.

Staff reporter KC Times
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The George Thompson Memorial Scholarship Fund plans to increase the number of awards to students attending KC to 10 for the 2011-2012 academic year. Last year the fund issued four awards to KC students and two awards to KC Old Boys attending tertiary institutions.

The selections for the student awards are coordinated by guidance counselor, Ainsworth Walker, who confers with key KC faculty members in identifying qualified candidates each year. Once the list is compiled, the candidates are ranked by the faculty and the selections are made based on the rankings.

Each year the fund determines, based on the return on the fund’s investments and donations, how much to make available for scholarships in the upcoming school year.

The awards are good for one year. Each year different recipients may be chosen but it is possible for a student to win the award more than once.  Factors that will be considered in awarding the scholarships include: Attitude, behavior, need, leadership ability, academics and athletic skill.

Students who represented the school in football and other sports will be given preference in that order for the first KC scholarship and the first Old Boy scholarship awarded each year.

Scholarship proceeds will be paid to Kingston College on behalf of student awardees and in the case of Old Boy scholarships, to the institution at which awardees are enrolled.

For more information contact Glen Laman at 404.421.0171 or glen.laman@gmail.com or Click here to Donate.

Please make checks to payable to:
 KCOBA (GA) Inc.  and indicate the George T. Scholarship Fund on the check
Mail to:
460 Cascade Rise Ct 
Atlanta, GA 30331

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