We have much to be thankful for as we continue our journey for another year. We cherish the memories of those who are no longer with us and we look forward to strengthening and building new relationships with those who are still around.
There was a plethora of purple candidates contesting the recent general election. Congratulations to the many that won and best wishes to those who will have to go back to the drawing board. However, one thing is clear; our increasing numbers in representative politics will soon give rise to someone from our ranks ascending to the highest office. As Jamaica celebrates its 50th anniversary of independence, I hope that within the next 50 years we will have a Fortis leading the country. Whenever that leader emerges, he would have had a solid foundation at our beloved alma mater.
I want to say many thanks to our members, sponsors and supporters who have been with us over the years. Your continued support has made our efforts towards KC worth every ounce. The George Thompson Memorial Fund continues to provide support to current and past students. Last year we awarded ten scholarships to current students at KC and one scholarship to a past student enrolled at the University of South Carolina, Aiken in the USA. Also, we provided funding support to the Schools Challenge Quiz Team, the science fair at Woodland Elementary in Atlanta and contributed to the Kingston College Development Trust Fund.
The www.kctimes.org continues to provide a medium to the various stakeholders. A quick look at our global readership reveals 20,000 hits, 12,097 unique visitors, 70,000 page views. Our viewers are from countries such as Jamaica, USA, Canada, UK, India, Trinidad, Barbados, Bahamas, Kazakhstan, Singapore, Georgia, Finland, Chile, Cote d'Ivoire, Botswana, Macedonia, Luxemburg, Greece, South Korea, Pakistan, and South Africa. Space does not allow me to list all the countries. Special thanks to Editor Glen Laman, webmaster Earl Adams and all the other contributors that make the Times the force that it is.
In closing, 2012 promises to be a very exciting year. Amid the Independence celebrations, the London Olympics with our expected dominance in the sprints, and all the other activities, we will not lose sight of the less fortunate among us. Continue to do your part to help others. As the Jamaican saying goes, "we likkle but we tallawah", we know Fortisans are giants among men. Let the Fortis voice and spirit reverberate everywhere.
Fortis Cadere Cedere Non Potest