April 2012 Volume 9

Prince Harry Unveils Basil Watson Sculpture

Basil Waite
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KCOB and world renowned sculptor/artist, Basil Watson, had yet another of his masterpieces unveiled in Jamaica on Tuesday, March 6, 2012. The bronze resin sculptor entitled "Ring of Life" was unveiled by Prince Harry at the Victoria Jubilee Hospital as part of Jamaica's 50th Independence celebration as well as the 120th anniversary of the Jubilee Hospital.

"Ring of Life" brings to 12 the number of statues on the island of Jamaica crafted by Basil Watson. The 11 others include:

  1. Support-- Mounted in 1990, the 96* bronze resin commissioned by Life Of Jamaica Insurance Co and is sited at Trafalgar Park in new Kingston.
  2. Fountainhead--The 2001 bronze resin is mounted at UTECH Technology Innovation Centre.
  3. Emerging Nation –The 96" bronze resin is sited at Holruth Park, Trafalgar Rd and is a gift to the nation by Petroleum Corporation of Jamaica.
  4. Vision --The 85" bronze resin can be seen at the headquarters of Petroleum Corporation of Jamaica Trafalgar Rd location.
  5. George Headley-- Mounted in 1995, the bronze resin is sited at Sabina Park.
  6. Circle of Life--The 2001 96" bronze resin creation can be viewed at Northern Caribbean University, Mandeville.
  7. Balance – The 15" bronze statute commemorates the 100th anniversary of Doctor's Cave Bathing Club, Montego bay.
  8. Heaven to earth –The 10' x 8' x 8' stainless steel is located at the UWI Mona Department of Education. It was commissioned by Mutual Life Insurance Company.
  9. The Netballer—the 108 Bronze resin is located at the entrance to Independence park and commemorates Jamaica hosting the 2003 World netball championship
  10. Merlene Ottey—the 108" bronze statue is at Independence Park, National Stadium.
  11. Beyond the Tape (Herb McKenley)-- the 74" bronze statue is at Independence Park, National Stadium.

These and other works may be viewed at http://basilwatson.com/home.html

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