January 2013 Volume 10

KCOBA Jamaica Reunion Dinner 2012

Conrod Senior
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As the hour drew closer, so also the thought of being able to host females at the dinner........This reality started a few months ago at a meeting of The KCOBA Executive; there The President placed the issue squarely on the table and asked for a vote...... Needless to say, the ‘yeas’ were triumphant. And the President charged, “go forth hence and make this a most memorable event." 

The discussions at the planning meetings, in true Fortis style, were always spirited and sometimes heated as we struggled to coalesce around one idea. 

The big day arrived. Area being decorated. Last minute changes being made. Tables being adjusted. Ladies of the team yet to be dolled up, still working to create an extravaganza. People getting flustered about settings; wanting nothing but perfection. And there I stood alone in a nicely decorated room, awaiting the arrival of the 1st guest.  Suddenly it hit me......Our Dream will soon be a Reality. History in the making! 

As the evening progressed, the Les Amabbassaduers started to fill up nicely. The Ladies were looking radiant with a cosmopolitan array of colours chief among which was the royal Purple. The Fortis brethren looking dapper in their suits. Cocktails flowing from the sponsored Blackwell Rum and Wray and Nephew bar. Harold Butler keeping us entertained throughout. The chatter amongst brethren was very evident. They were reminiscing on 'the good old days'. The President is smiling. The VP of Finance loves the numbers yet he whispers "show me the money". 

The room was filled with Fortis notables among which were Justice David Batts, former government minister, Errol Jiggs Ennis, MP Delroy Chuck, Ambassadors Anthony Johnson and Stewart Stephenson and the newly married couple Mr. and Mrs. Gary Robinson, who had earlier taken their vows at the St. Augustine Chapel on North Street.
In his maiden address, The Principal spoke to areas that need Old Boys assistance in the School. Greetings were brought on behalf of The Chairman of The Board of Governors. The Headboy brought greetings on behalf of his deputation and the wider student boy.
In his address, President Ray Fraser, made a passionate plea for all Old Boys to get involved in the affairs of the school. He spoke to the welfare of the Fortis brethren and the marked difference in discipline he has seen since Mr. Myrie has taken charge. 
The Guest Speaker, Professor Errol Morrison, didn't disappoint the large gathering. He had everyone tuned in to his deliberation on some of the main factors that allow Jamaicans in general in run so fast. 

All the KCOBA chapters were represented: Perry Bloomfield (NY), Glen Laman (Atlanta), Audley Hewitt (Florida).  Also, we were pleased to welcome the Class of 1962 who were not only out in their numbers but who also made a monetary donation to the KCOBA.

This year our special guests and honorees were Hotelier, Framk Rance, Noted Land Surveyor Earl Spee Spencer and Sports Broadcaster extraordinaire, Strattan Palmer.

Special awardees were Civil Servant and long serving Executive member, Lloyd Bennett; Media guru Richard Pardy Forbes and former Jamaica football team captain Dudley Smith. We were also very pleased to have Beverley Phillips, a former St. Hilda's and Glenmuir lady, who is the only known female to have attended classes and sat GCE “A” Level subjects at the College.

“Simply amazing” was the description given by one of the ladies present.

Marlon, the Gate Keeper Young, took us to 'Funky Town' as we called an end to the night's proceedings.

This year's planning committee comprised of Rose Allen, Oraine Lynch, HG Helps, Pat Bignall, Anthony Allen, Paul Wright, Richard Reid, Ray Fraser and yours truly.

We would like to take this opportunity to say a special thanks to our advertisers and sponsors of this year's event.

Over to the planning committee for the 2013 reunion.

Fortis Forever!!

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