February 2015 Volume 12

Kingston College 2014 PTA Awards Function

Stewart Jacob
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On Friday November 21, 2014, the Kingston College Parent Teachers Association held its inaugural Awards/Karaoke function.  The objective of the PTA function was to honour outstanding parents who have consistently displayed commitment to the development of our noble Institution and the students therein, after which we would have some fun with karaoke.

The programme commenced at approximately 6:00 pm. There was satisfactory attendance.  The presenters of the awards were Mr. Michael Vacianna - Chairman of the Board Kingston College, Mr. Dave Myrie - Principal Kingston College and Mr. Stewart Jacobs – President of the Kingston College PTA. 

Awards were presented to 56 persons, which included auxiliary staff and security personnel.  Also in attendance was the President of the KCOBA, Dr. Patrick Dallas.

Mr. Myrie commended the PTA on its efforts to drive the process of integrating the parent body through Form Parenting. The point was expounded by Mr. Vacianna who reminded those in attendance of the amalgamated approach that has made KC a success, partnering with all stake holders.

President Jacobs thanked all parents and teachers for giving of themselves. He also highlighted the Principal’s role in the success of the PTA by highlighting the Form Parenting mandate supported by all.

After the Awards ceremony, the karaoke began and the participants had much fun.  The parents showed their appreciation and the karaoke brought out the “singers” in all who participated.  The evening continued until approximately 10:00 pm.
Special thanks to the members of the KCPTA and to the auxiliary staff who assisted in preparing the venue for the function.

We look forward to next year’s Award Function.

Stewart Jacobs is President of the  KCPTA.

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