The Kingston College Old Boys’ Association (Toronto) Chapter would first like to extend our heartfelt condolences to the family and reassure you the loss is equally felt by the KC family.
Robert did not choose Kingston College (KC), rather Robert was chosen by KC. Growing up in Vineyard Town, where KC had a profound impact on the neighbouring communities made it impossible to resist the urge to be part of the KC experience. To complicate matters further, Robert’s first love being football (soccer), and with all of the area “ballers” having attended KC, he had to follow in their footsteps.
Robert’s personality and character were shaped during his tenure at KC and this was evident up to his last days with us. He was a gentle giant, easy going, soft spoken, a perfect gentleman and most important a diehard KC brother. Speaking from personal experience, Robert exemplified the true meaning of brotherhood as it relates to KC. Our years at KC never crossed but I felt like we shared the same classrooms as the love and respect exhibited whenever we came in contact was genuine.
For years we ended up playing soccer on opposing teams and I could depend on Robert to allow me to slip by him to score or cross the ball. He would never intentionally try to hurt you on or off the field and this posed a challenge as he was often accused of being “too nice” to play defence.
The KC Old Boys will pay tribute to our fallen brother with a special prayer at our upcoming Church Service, wearing of black armbands at Soccerfest and a minute of silence at our Re-union and Awards Banquet in November. We will continue to celebrate his life as his unselfish nature of giving back to his beloved alma-mater was impeccable.
Our brother Robert has fallen, but like our motto he will never yield and so he has gone to higher grounds to continue his work.