September 2016 Volume 13

KC Old Boy re-elected to board of Association of Chinese Professionals

Dr. Glen Laman
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Atlanta Jamaican and KCOB, Glendon Thompson was recently re-elected to the board of the Association of Chinese Professionals Atlanta Chapter.

This is no surprise to Atlanta Jamaicans who know of Glendon’s long association with China and things Chinese.  Glendon travels to China often and made history when he opened the first Jamaican restaurant in China:

In 2014, Glendon was appointed a council member of the Chongqing International Exchange Association.  Chongqing was formerly known as Chungking and is a major city in Southwest China. It is one of the five national central cities in the People's Republic of China. It has a population estimated at 7 million with the metro area estimated at 28 million.

In 2011, Glendon was named as project manager for China's Daza Rock Carvings Tour of the USA. In 2013, he helped the inner city dance troupe known as L’Acadco: A United Caribbean Dance Force get to Beijing, China for the Meet in Beijing Arts Festival. 

According to Glendon. All of this is a nod to his now deceased Hakka speaking Chinese Han grandfather. “I met one of the founders of the Association of Chinese Professionals (ACP) Atlanta Chapter. Our friendship grew over the years and she introduced me to the ACP. My 25% Chinese blood and second generation status was enough to be accepted as a member. My glaring deficiency is the lack of Chinese language in my bag of tools. I surmise that my other attributes more than outweighed this defect as I have been twice elected to the board of directors.”

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