April 2023 Volume 19

Former Kingston College Cadets seek Funding to Upgrade Facilities

Staff reporter KC Times
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Many past students point to their days in the Kingston College Cadet Unit as important ones in developing life altering traits such as discipline, leadership, mental as well as physical toughness and management skills that have proven helpful in adult life.

Recently a group for former cadets was started by Homer Anderson of the KCOBA Atlanta chapter. The group is known as the Kingston College Cadet Unit Old Boys Association.  It is loosely organized and operates mostly via a WhatsApp group.

The group has identified its first project:  to upgrade the cadet unit’s office on the campus.

The objective is to insulate, partition, and air condition the container HQ first. It’s a 40 ft long x 8 ft high x 8 ft wide area that they use for housing and storage of instruments and clothing. The instruments become warped and useless eventually due to extreme heat conditions.

The plan is to also construct an office for the OC and an area for the ‘Q’ with storage options.

Initial estimates are US$2,000.  Funds will be collected via the Atlanta chapter for disbursement to the school.

If you would like to contribute, please do so on PayPal at https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=V5VY6AQCXA96Y
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