October 2013 Volume 10

KC Student Athlete Receives Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce Pocket Rocket Scholarship

KC Academic Vice Principal - Juliet Wilson
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Jovaine Atkinson who has represented KC in the 110m hurdles was among seven students from seven high schools across Jamaica who received the inaugural Shelly-Ann Fraser Pryce Pocket Rocket Foundation Scholarship.

The scholarship is valued at $100,000 each and students received a check for 50% of that award. The remaining 50% will be forwarded to the schools by January 2014. The scholarship is also renewable each year as long as the students meet the academic criterion and continue to participate in and represent their schools in sports.  The presentation was aired on CVM and TVJ (sports news) and covered in the major print media.

Jovaine is currently in Grade 12. He passed 9 CSEC subjects in the recent exams.  His subjects included Mathematics and Information Technology - distinctions; Grade 2 in Geography, Social Studies, French, Physics and Technical Drawing; Grade 3 in English A and  Chemistry.

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