January 2014 Volume 11

Message from the Principal

Principal - Dave Myrie
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It is certainly a pleasure for me to provide this New Year’s message for the KC Times.  This publication is a gem within the KC family as it seeks to communicate, inform, update and give voice and focus to the many activities, events and issues related to the Kingston College family.

A new year always ushers in the sense of renewal – a renewal of purpose, a re-committing of ourselves to the goals, objectives and tasks we have set and an unwavering resolve to achieve.  A new year also provides an opportunity to reflect on the past as it is our past that causes the present, and so our future. 

As principal of this august institution – Kingston College -- I can never for a moment forget those flag bearers, those stalwarts who have gone on before me; as it is due to their unwavering commitment and resolve why the name Kingston College continues to resonate with so many people. Those flag bearers and stalwarts who helped to shape our future recognized the importance and dignity of the human person and gave each student the opportunity to maximize his potential.  This therefore continues to be a significant goal/objective for Kingston College - the creation of the environment to allow for each student to maximize his potential.

This for me is the true essence of education.

Therefore, our Development Plan for the next five years is built on six pillars aimed at providing the quality education that can produce the high caliber student who can assert himself and function effectively in his society.

These pillars are:

  1. Infrastructural/physical development – To create a conducive teaching and learning environment.
  2. Improved management of the educational process with focus on Quality and Standard of Teaching;
  3. Improved behaviour and behaviour management – school wide;
  4. Improved academic performance particularly at the CXC level
  5. Development of a One School Culture/Ethos;
  6. Improved levels of financial contributions to the school to sustain ongoing development

 We have started the journey and are seeing rays of hope and light, green shoots that must be nurtured to ensure growth and maturity. However, let us be mindful that to achieve the heights and standards that we have set requires a collective commitment to excellence of all stakeholders of Kingston College along with a firm resolution to achieve desired results, meet deliverables and achieve our personal and professional bests. Like anything worth having, this will be a challenge but in spite of how formidable the task ahead seems, I am convinced in the belief that they are not insurmountable. The Fortis spirit summons us never to lose hope or yield because our objectives are achievable.

This therefore is a call to action and will require every faction of our school community to come together.  We must work for a common goal which, simply stated, is to help our students to become functional citizens who can contribute to the development of their communities, their island and the world.

Let me take this opportunity to thank the Chairman, the Board, members of staff, Alumni chapters and the wider KC family for the support I have received since commencing duties as Principal of this noble institution. What has been achieved over the past sixteen (16) months was only made possibly because of your input and support.  The encouragement, words of advice and criticisms have been invaluable as I seek to provide the leadership which is necessary in this drive and quest for excellence.

Finally, let me wish for you, your family and the entire KC family God’s blessings for 2014. I pray that it will be a year of renewal, of commitment, of working together for a common cause and a year of progress.

Fortis Forever

Dave Myrie

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