February 2015 Volume 12

KCOBA USA Inc (New York) New Years Message 2015

Rainford ‘Perry’ Bloomfield
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Greetings Fortis Family & Friends,

2015 marks a significant milestone in the history of our beloved Kingston College, 90 years ago the school was founded as the brainchild of Bishop W. Percival Gibson. Over the ensuing nine decades the school has produced men who have gone on to distinguish themselves in their chosen field; indeed Kingston College old boys are world beaters in medicine, science & technology, the arts, sports, business, and law.

While we celebrate the achievements of past students, it is even more important that we lay the foundation for the development of our present and future students. In the words of Nelson Mandela “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world,” but frankly, my Fortis brothers, there are glaring deficiencies at the school that are not befitting an institution of our history, and they represent obstacles we need to overcome if we are to deliver a first class secondary education to our boys.

Kingston College, our alma mater, needs a modern, functional library and updated technology & infrastructure. In August 2013, we launched the KC Library & Technology Capital Campaign, the stated goal of which was to raise US$302,650.00 by September 2015; to date we have received pledges totaling US$260,564.00 and a total of US $120,650.00 has been collected. Accordingly, our primary goal for 2015 is to realize the remaining funds needed to make this venture a reality. We break ground to complete the Douglas Forrest Building in June, 2015. While our target is within reach we are not there just yet, but we are confident that your contribution will get us there; so partner with us and let’s get it done! Bear in mind, the Fortis fraternity must deliver on this campaign to ensure the release of the Matalon’s matching fund of $50,000.00.

To those of you who have already contributed we are indebted for your generosity and hope that you will engage your Fortis colleagues and friends to contribute to this campaign. If you have made a pledge we look forward to receiving your contribution. All donors are asked to make their biggest donations ever, pay as much of it upfront in the next 6 months and spread the rest out through to September 2015. Donors who contribute US$2500 or more will have their names etched in the halls of the completed Douglas Forrest Building.

Make your pledge – Contribute – Together we can make this a Reality!

In the New Year we will enlist your support in underwriting the FortisCare Backpack Project, Joyce Baxter Math Club, Scholarship Program, Nutrition Program, Prize Giving, and Etiquette Workshop by attending fundraising events; placing advertisements in the Journal for the Annual Reunion Dinner; paying your membership dues or contributing directly to one of the many programs undertaken by this association. Thank you for assisting us in sustaining and growing these ongoing projects.

Our first fundraiser for the year will be the Fifth Annual Winter Dance with St Hugh’s, March 7, 2015 at Adria Hotel & Conference, 221-17 Northern Blvd, Bayside, NY 11361, start time 9 PM.

Do keep up with the Fortis Family by visiting our website at www.kcobany.org, joining us on Facebook, following us on twitter @KCOBANY, email questions/support to info@kcobany.org, mail to PO Box 3917, New York, NY 10185, and reading the KC Times Newsletter at www.kctimes.org.

Here’s to more Blessings in 2015 and beyond.

…for Fortis,

Rainford Perry Bloomfield

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