Aubrey “Bunny” Golding has passed on but he leaves a gift of memories in exchange. He was a “great and wonderful friend” (to many) and that’s how I wish to remember him.
As Treasurer of Association USA (1984 to 2006), I wish to record my profound respect and appreciation for his tireless contribution to the development of the Association and KC.
Along with Sydney “Foggy” Burrowes and others, he was one of the pioneers of the Association. Bunny’s name appears on the 1984 New York State Incorporation papers. He was the Secretary, cosigner on checks, and responsible for the mail.
What that meant was frequent Treasurer/Secretary meetings, mostly during our lunch hour (we both worked in Mid Town Manhattan) and he was never late for appointments. He introduced the idea of a boat ride to raise funds. He negotiated with Circle Line and made sure that we kept our end of the bargain. In time, when the Circle Line folks thought of KC, they always thought of Mr. Golding -- so respectful was the relationship.
The type and quality of ties worn by the schoolboys today is the result of contacts established by Calvin “Collie” Hibbert and Bunny with Goidel Neckwear. They sought out the manufacturers and established a business relationship which has lasted to this day, 31 years later.
And then there were the endless meetings and fundraisers over the years, but through it all there was always that quiet strength and unassuming style, which could be relied upon.
So , as one of the “old timers,” I wish to express my sincere condolence to Lesline (his partner ) and pray that his family and friends will find comfort in the fact that he has left a noble legacy and that the faith that he embraced, assures us that his soul is at peace with the God whose steward he was.
May his soul rest in peace.
Errol G Lecky
Life Member KCOBA USA Inc.