President Jacobs will not seek re-election for 2021
September 2019 was, indeed, a memorable school term - one to be remembered. We welcomed the over 300 first formers to our school – moreso, the PTA executive made itself available at all grade orientations.
Next on our term agenda were the much anticipated KCPTA Better Parenting Workshops which were conducted over 3 days. They were well attended and certainly added value to those in attendance.
The PTA, your PTA, continued the aggressive thrust of providing well needed Mentors for our boys, based on parents’ and teachers’ requests. This will continue.
Stretched though we are, volunteers are we. Busy with our personal lives, yet we still found the time to further enhance our activities in the school. Our funds are dry due to the non-compliance of school fees. We are apprehensive to take from the school the little there is from school fees; frankly, we will continue supporting.
As a result, a cheque for $300,000.00 was handed over to our Headmaster as a first of many tranches towards the Douglas Forest Building. Two years ago, I promised $3m and this shall be one of the legacies – the KCPTA contributing at least $3M towards that building.
The Trust Fund was also afforded $100,000.00 towards its full investment into the fund. The PTA is now making a promise to do so each Prize-giving - donate at least $100,000 to this most critical Fund - which has, by all means and evidence, enhanced our school.
For its Christmas 2019 season, The Kingston College Chapel Choir was outfitted with new blazers, all courtesy of your PTA. For these donations we are proud.
I am but human.
Since 2013, I have served you as your PTA President. My term officially ends in January of 2021. I, however, as indicated last meeting in September, would not exhaust the full term and not seek re-election. WHY? You might ask.
Simple – this is a volunteer position done out of sheer love. Love for the school where much of my manhood was honed and made manifest now as an adult. Next, I have groomed and developed members of the executive to operate within the school rules, guided by the Education Act, dictated by the principles of our founder, Bishop Gibson, an astute Anglican priest. The other reason stems from the fact the KCPTA isn’t Stewart Jacobs; instead, I am a servant of you, the parents - a servant who thinks it’s time to graduate.
I will never stop volunteering. I currently sit on the Archdiocesan Commission which guides the over 100 Catholic schools in Jamaica, in addition to other activities. I am certain that the Headmaster will, perhaps, consider me for one or two of his committees; he knows my commitment.
The previous executive – some of whom I am sure, by their hard work, will be re-elected tonight - they all have my vote. We have done the following; I ask you to bear with me.
1. Provided the gazebo at Melbourne Campus
2. Initiated the renovation of the Chemistry Lab on the Melbourne Campus
3. Instituted major Labour Day campus cleaning exercises
4. Donated to the Douglas Forest Building – Phase11.
1. Organized the KCPTA Better Parenting Workshop
2. Institutionalized Form Parenting
3. Organized the KCPTA Health Fair annually
4. Developed a Mentorship Programme
5. Instituted Awards and Recognition for Parent of The Year and Teacher of The Year
6. Recognized Active Participants as award givers – at Prize- giving and Graduations ceremonies
7. Had increased attendance at PTA meetings and activities
8. Had increased attendance at school functions by parents
9. Gave active assistance to the various school sports teams and service clubs
10. Was actively presence in offering condolences to fallen sons and parents.
11. Incorporated a Spiritual Advisor – A KC Chaplin
12. Organized bus availability for boys after school
13. Provided transportation for parents after PTA meetings and other school activities.
1. Had a strong and admirable bond with the KCOBA
2. Forged greater partnerships with neighboring communities
3. Co-opted a member from the community of the PTA Executive …
4. Invigilated during exams while teachers were on strike.
I have had to say many of goodbyes in my lifetime.
Having resided in eight (8) different countries over a 23-year span, it’s almost second nature for me to pack my bags and say goodbye. But this one is different. It is strange; odd, if you might ask me. It’s giving up a space which I enjoyed daily because of the results.
I am leaving a PTA operating, for the most part, like a well-oiled machine. Yes, we have tried to close the many gaps. No, we cannot solve them all. Believe me, there are particular issues that no PTA can solve. These are matters for the school administration and, by extension, the Ministry of Education. I beg of you to treat the new administration with respect and be mindful. They are mainly advisors, not decision-makers, hardly influencers on certain matters.
Where do we go from here?
Let me state, I am a proud old boy. 1981 was a magical period in my life. This little, poor boy got off a bus with his more-than-proud, single mom taking him on the first day – bag filled with heavy books strengthening each muscle of the small, skinny frame, determined to strengthen, even more, his brain - that time with lots of hair on the head. It happened … parents like you made it happen as my mom did … so will your sons … whether you consider being rich or poor. Your sons will make it.
As a PTA, I urge you to continue with the things started. Take this PTA into the 100th anniversary of our school. Be poised for even more greatness in the 100 years to come. None of us will be around, but, one thing for certain, purple never fades. I am suggesting the following:
1. Begin constitutional reform
2. Expand the communication reach to all stake- holders.
3. Do a study of the thought process of today’s parents.
4. Consider an adopt-a-child programme – even on weekends.
5. Encourage instant communication between school administration and parents.
6. Increase the $3m commitment to the building.
To the new administration, treat each parent and teacher with the respect due under the code of human love. Be willing to listen, be willing to go beyond the norm for a crying parent in need of a listening ear, a wise word, and a quiet thought. Give of yourself, give to your parents; they are poor in experience and they need you … Love them.
The saint who has had great influence on me, (to whom, it so happens, this chapel is dedicated) is St. Augustine. (I seriously considered joining the Jesuits Order and discerned as an aspirant for two years … way back.) Augustine said: A teacher should act like an inventor every day. He advised teachers to "Imitate the good, bear with the evil, love all".
St. Augustine saw education as a process of posing problems and seeking answers through conversation. Further, he saw teaching as mere preparation for understanding, which he considered to be an illumination of "the teacher within," who is Christ.
At this juncture, I would like to personally thank the following persons:
1. The Anglican Diocese of Jamaica – Thanks for assisting us to continue the legacy of our founders; keep praying for us.
2. Board Chair Mr. Michael Vaccianna – for his astute leadership at Board Meetings and for his guidance which led to our school successes.
3. Headmaster Dave Myrie – for constantly developing the Kingston College we all aim for.
4. Fr. Michael Brown – your friendship and spiritual direction is felt daily; our school is so blessed.
5. Dr. Patrick Dallas – for your friendship and advice. I admire your love for this school; I want to be like you when I grow up.
6. Maurice Weir – thanks for the listening ears over the years; hope we can still do beers.
7. VPs – Wilson, Hall, Burrell and Walker – your support to the Headmaster is commendable
8. Teachers – the high academic results of our students speaks for itself.
9. Coaches – our flag is even higher at all stadiums – thanks
10. Ancillary Staff – keep on making us pleased with the grounds
11. Finally, led by Peter-Gay Wynter, my VP, who has been at the helm for most of last term – thanks for your support team. I am most confident you shall take this PTA to the next level.
We will now move into an election to choose a new set of leaders. May God, in His wisdom, guide your actions.
I will still be around as the Immediate Past President (IPP), and will, on invitation, represent the PTA as the incoming President sees fit.
In closing, let me say from Augustine's autobiography, The Confessions: "You arouse us so that praising you may bring us joy, because you have made us and drawn us to yourself, and our heart is unquiet until it rests in you".
May God Bless and Keep You All
Fortis Cadere Cedere Non Potest
Stewart Jacobs
President - KCPTA
January 16, 2020