September 2020 Volume 16

A Review of the Spirit of Clovelly Park

Noel Spencer, MBA, LUTCF, EA
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Mrs. Frances Coke was my English Literature teacher at KC in the fourth and fifth Forms from the period 1969-1970.

The Spirit of Clovelly Park reflects her experience at KC over 10 years.

Quietly in the middle chapters, she hunts for a way to make the nonathletic students become involved in the Fortis spirit of the school outside of athletics. Hence School Challenge Quiz (SCQ) became the confluence for scholarly students and the nonathletic student who wanted to experience the use of their knowledge in competition and everyday life.

The pages dealing with KC’s losses and victories in the SCQ give the reader goosebumps and an appreciation of the meaning of Fortis.

The SCQ progressed through the Clovelly campus, (like we say-catch a fever) enriched by the opportunity to learn and to grow with a wealth of knowledge, and use of the teachings in the classroom never dreamed of before. The buzzer came alive in each stream of forms, eg. 3rd form through 5th Form. The sixth formers became the cavalry to prepare and train the lower school students to be ready when the opportunity arose to display their knowledge, the use of speed to answer correctly, and to be the first to press the buzzer in competition.

This book is necessary read for Fortisians to reflect on a part of KC’s history during the period between 1970 and 1980, and not to be overlooked, how the larger community coped with "Change Jamaica".

The Spirit of Clovelly Park, Learning and Teaching at Kingston College can be purchased at the following:


Walmart books,

TUniverse (publishers-best pricing)

Taleflick market place

Barnes and Noble

Book Depository

Noel C. Spencer is a Life Director of KCOBA USA and President of Spencer’s Financial.

735 Broadway, Newburgh, NY 12550

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