December 2020 Volume 16

KCOBA NY Scholarship Showcase

nADINE Eschoe
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Did you miss the Virtual Showcase of the KCOBA USA Inc. 28th Annual Scholarship Fundraiser? Do you know how involved the KCOBA USA members are in the lives of our students? Are you aware of the successes of some of our students who have been helped by the KCOBA USA?

Well...let me take you on a journey, in the capacity of a mother, an educator, counsellor and an attendee.

KCOBA 28th Annual Fundraiser - A Virtual Showcase

As a mother, I have loved these children, listened to them and from time to time extended a benevolent touch. I must say learning about the heart wrenching stories that some of our young men endure on a daily basis is an eye opener and has led me to empathise with them. and I am sure there are others who have not been caught under our radar.

Now, continue to trod with me, from the perspective of being an educator. As an educator it‘s my responsibility to ensure that my students have opportunities to make decisions, help them to make meaningful choices throughout their academic life and future careers.

So, this now takes us into the life of being a counsellor. Being a counsellor can be great at times, because it‘s a giving profession. It can, however, become overwhelming at times if you are not able to create a balance and have coping strategies.

The stories are real, most of our students are from single parent households, low socio-economic backgrounds, and stigmatized communities plagued with crime and unemployment – just to name a few.

Having the opportunity to do various needs assessments, I can conclude that these struggles can really cripple a student’s academic potential.

Being an attendee at the KCOBA scholarship showcase held on November 5, 2020 hosted by R. Perry Bloomfield - President of KCOBA USA. It is evident that our young men are in good hands.

The showcase included donors along with our Principal, Dave Myrie, who was on live to highlight the achievements of our students. Some of our current and past scholarship recipients shared their stories and extended their appreciation for the scholarships they received. They also spoke about the impact the scholarship had on their lives and that of their families over the years.

The entertainment was very engaging, which was done by DJ Glamour Wayne, he was energetic and catered to the needs of his audience and brought ‘vibes’ to the virtual platform.

So…did you miss the scholarship showcase? If you did, it‘s not too late to trod with the KC family on our journey, as we continue to support some of KC brightest minds...let the journey continue with you!

Here are the ways to partner with KCOBA USA Inc. and invest in the education of a fellow Fortis:

· Mail check payable to KCOBA USA Inc. to P.O. Box 3917, New York, NY 10185

Nadine Eschoe is a Guidance Counsellor at the Melbourne Park Campus of Kingston College.


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