November 2021 Volume 17

AJA’s Tony Gray inducted into the Jamaican Diaspora Southern USA Hall of Fame

Staff reporter KC Times
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Atlanta’s Tony Gray was inducted into the Jamaican Diaspora Southern USA (JADIAS) Hall of Fame in the inaugural ceremony held on Saturday, November 13, 2021.

Tony is originally from Portland, Jamaica. He migrated to the United States in 1970 and was employed by Texas Instruments in Dallas Texas for 7 years. In 1979, he joined The IBM Corporation where he served in several capacities, and retired after 37 years of service in Atlanta, Georgia, the city to which he was transferred in 1986 and where he has called home ever since.

He has earned several of IBM's most prestigious awards during his lengthy career.

Tony joined the Atlanta Jamaican Association (AJA) in 2008 to fulfill his passion for giving back to the community and helping others. During his 13-year tenure, he has served in several capacities, including Vice President for 7 terms and as President for three.

Tony is passionate about this organization and has made a significant difference in taking the AJA to another level while supporting the mission. This includes assisting not only Jamaicans, but also supporting relief programs for his brothers and sisters throughout the Caribbean region.

He is very involved in the affairs of the Diaspora and supports all activities that give back to his beloved Island. One example is the organization of the 2019 and 2021 “Jamaica Hi-5K” run/walk event held in Atlanta which resulted in monetary contributions to the “adopt a clinic” program in Portland, Jamaica. He also collaborated with the USDA during our current pandemic to distribute Food Boxes to needy families in Atlanta, Georgia.

Tony is a charismatic leader who is loved and admired by everyone. He supports local charities and alumni groups in Atlanta and works closely with the heads of other organizations.

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