November 2024 Volume 20


Pat Bignall
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Wear the Legacy!

The Merchandising and Marketing Sub-Committee (M&MSC) is pleased to announce the KC Centenary Product Catalogue.

With some creativity and the support of two donors, the MM Sub-Committee (M&MSC) is proud to advise that following products are now

available for order at our website:

KC Book Store, and coming soon -

  • Watches
  • Rings
  • Pendants

Fortis & Friends Foundation (F3) is a 501(C)3 Nonprofit Organization and a proud partner of Kingston College and the Centenary Project. All Proceeds go to the KC Centenary Fund.

The first One Hundred pieces of all three Products will be serialized - i.e. Serial Number:001/100…100/100.

The support of the Fortis Nation is critical to the success of this Centenary Project. So, do not delay! Visit the website and place your order. We also ask you to share the link and encourage others to do likewise. The celebration of One Hundred Years of Excellence is no ordinary accomplishment – it is a legacy that we must be proud of. So, let us “Wear the Legacy!”

Product Engagement/Delivery

All three products – Watches, Rings, and Pendants - were on display at the Big Purple Session in Florida on October 12 and members of the M&MSC Team will also be at the KCOBAJ Annual Fundraising Purple Tie Banquet on November 30 at The Summit Kingston – Blue Mountain Suite. Attendees at the functions are not only able to view the products “up close and personal” but are also able to order on the spot. We are encouraging you to order early and we guarantee you delivery of watches before Christmas. The Rings and Pendants are custom-made with your personal information and will take 6 – 8 weeks. Order early and get it before Champs!

While the Watches, Rings, and Pendants are now available, the M&MSC assures you that a wide-range of other branded products will be available – branded products for everyone! Stay Tuned!

Merchandise & Marketing Sub-Committee Members

Committed members are the backbone of any project/committee. These members, who are all a part of the Fortis Nation, volunteer their time and expertise to ensure that every member of the Fortis Nation will be able to proudly represent the Legacy…Wearing the Legacy of One Hundred Years of Never Yeilding!

Perry R. Bloomfield Team Leader – Class of 1988

Dwight O. Green Class of 1991

Shane Edwards Class of 1995

Joel Nondarkham Head Boy 2013

Andre Clarke Head Boy 2017

Seymour Harriott Class of 2018

Pat Sofrona Bignall Former Exec. Member KCPTA and KCOBAJ

The M&MSC Team is available if you require additional information…reach out to us!

The most beautiful things in life are memories and moments. If we do not celebrate those things, they will pass us by. Let us celebrate Kingston College – One Hundred Years of Excellence. Let us Wear the Legacy!

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KCOBA Fortis Walkway Legacy

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