November 2024 Volume 20

Fortis & Friends Foundation (F3) 2024 Update

Erice Reid, R. Perry Bloomfield & Dr. Earl Gordon
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On September 9, the Fortis & Friends Foundation (F3) marked a significant step in its mission to enhance primary education in Jamaica by launching its Primary School Academic Development Lab at Tarrant Primary. Led by F3’s founding director, R. Perry Bloomfield, and Joel Webbe, founder of Learnit Solutions, they brought together key educational partners to transform learning experiences for Tarrant Primary’s students and equip teachers with innovative resources. The day’s events included setting up the lab, training teachers, and conducting a live demo session with students—an engaging experience that one student even offered his lunch money to buy his tablet.

This project represents a partnership between F3 and Tarrant Primary that aims to positively impact student outcomes by improving literacy and strengthening teachers' capacity to support students with diverse learning needs.

Central to this initiative is 25 Learnit “Teachnology” Solution kits (tablets, headsets, and power banks) from F3. Caribbean eBook Ltd developed the kits as a supplemental learning solution. With over 190 Caribbean-centered educational applications, this application enhances foundational academic skills, enabling students to "touch, listen, do, and learn." The beauty of the LearnIt Solution is that it enables hands-on learning even in environments without internet access, making it a valuable tool for fostering engagement and improving academic skills in underserved communities.

The excitement among Tarrant Primary’s students has been palpable. With each session, students eagerly participate, and this enthusiasm has even led to increased attendance in the literacy lab sessions. Principal Mrs. Hadajah Freebourne-Raffington and her team have already observed a noticeable shift in student engagement and motivation, with many parents sharing that their children have developed a renewed enthusiasm for learning since participating in the lab.

The impact of Fortis & Friends goes beyond student resources. Recognizing that teacher capacity is fundamental to student success, F3 has partnered with Inclusive Schools Caribbean (ISC) to provide professional development for teachers on inclusive instructional practices, equipping them better to support students with disabilities and varying learning needs. An upcoming professional development series around Universal Design for Learning (UDL) reflects this commitment to supporting teachers. Starting in December, Tarrant Primary’s teachers will engage in independent, asynchronous training modules, followed by a virtual workshop and additional sessions in January and February. This comprehensive series will include a community of practice, allowing teachers to reflect on best practices, share insights, and apply UDL principles to effectively meet their students' unique needs.

Fortis & Friends Foundation (F3) views accelerated learning as an ongoing, adaptive process extending beyond traditional support to address academic and socio-emotional needs. In partnership with the administration at Kingston College (KC), F3 sponsors students in need of targeted assistance and tailored solutions that foster meaningful, long-term growth. Last school year, 10 KC students were beneficiaries of focused academic support in literacy, which provided resources and individualized attention to strengthen foundational skills and enhance their learning journey.

Additionally, F3 provided six LearnIt Solution kits to the literacy lab at Kingston College, which allowed literacy specialists to meet students at their current level, support their academic progress, and foster resilience, curiosity, and confidence in their learning. To support this effort, F3 collaborated with KC's literacy specialists’ team, providing training on effectively integrating the LearnIt Solution into their instructional practice. Through this collaborative approach, F3 continues to invest in educational pathways that accelerate learning and empower students to achieve their full potential.

Fortis & Friends Foundation’s Tarrant Primary and Kingston College initiatives exemplify the transformative power of partnerships and community-driven support in education. By providing resources like the LearnIt “Teachnology” Solution at Tarrant Primary and collaborating with Inclusive Schools Caribbean (ISC) to strengthen instructional practices, F3 is actively working with its partner schools to address the educational gaps and empower students and educators. These partnerships and initiatives underscore the profound impact a culture of learning, resilience, and opportunity can have on students' lives.

With a vision rooted in high expectations, collaboration, and community involvement, the Fortis & Friends Foundation hopes to foster the development of a new standard for educational excellence in Jamaica.

Imagine what more we could accomplish together. Join us in empowering Jamaica’s future by supporting initiatives that bring equitable, high-quality education to every child. Together, for nation-building. One student at a time. To learn more, visit our website,, or email us at

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