KC Profiles Volume

Alan ( Barry ) Miller

by Staff reporter KC Times
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Allan "Barry" Miller was born in St. Andrew , Jamaica . He attended Kingston College from 1965 until 1973 and was a part of a venerable group of fellows that attended "The College" that hailed from the southeastern St. Andrew community of Harbor View. During his time of attendance, he was a member of the cadet corps and participated in form level football and cricket.

His favorite teacher at KC was Mr. Evans who taught Mathematics and whose impact was so profound that he owes his chosen profession, accounting, to him. His love of numbers was nurtured and developed from the private tutoring he received from Mr. Evans .

For someone who grew up in Harbour View, Attending KC could be likened to a male's rite of passage. His closest friendships to this day go all the way back to shared experiences he had at KC and in his hometown with friends such as Stan Taylor, Mikey Smith (Smitty), Rowan MacDonald, Jubba (K. Giscomb), Gumba (Adley Clarke), Porky (Michael Whitter), Kitch (Tony Duhaney) and the list could go on. Of course, he would be remiss if he didn't mention classmates from his class year of 1965 such as Garey Richards , Sedley Morris , (Captain Mike ) Veron Martin , Winston Stewart and Lushus ( Lascelles Lewis ).

One of his memories from KC involved his experience playing a form football match while in Fourth Form. The memory is actually funny in that he was asked to join the team as a late addition because they didn't have enough men to play. He reluctantly joined the team because he knew he was playing with a rough crowd who were his team mates. He recalls the scene like it was yesterday: as a ball came his way, he thought he would demonstrate some of his football skills for his teammates. To his dismay, as he was attempting to take control of the ball, he heard his teammates yelling "don't touch the ball you; no see say man a play ball!!" He was totally flabbergasted: he actually was in the game, but couldn't even touch the ball with his teammates blessing. As you can imagine, his football career didn't get that far while at "The College".

Barry has been married to Charmaine, an Alpha alumna, for 14 years. He migrated to New York in 1974 and graduated from Baruch College with a BBA in accounting and subsequently earned his CPA credential. He has worked in the commercial banking industry his entire career and is presently an Accounting Manager at a local community bank.

Barry has always maintained a close association with KCOBA since the time of his sojourn in New York and subsequent relocation to Atlanta in October 1990. He was one of the founding members of the Atlanta chapter and has served as treasurer and director.

Barry enjoys the game of tennis and plays regularly with a mixed group of KC alumni ( Patrick Hector and Whylie Chambers ) and other West Indians in his Stone Mountain subdivision.

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